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Q and A session – Permanent Values 2: The Human Self by Ejaz Rasool- 2 May 2021 – Tolu e Islam

In this video

This video clip is the recording of Q and A session after the conclusion of the presentation in English. There is also an Urdu version of the presentation – the links for both are noted at the end of this note.
Our self (Nafs) is the most important entity in this visible universe as this universe owes its existence to the human creation. I could not have written these lines, if I did not have a Nafs and had not acquired requisite knowledge to do this. This human self needs external guidance as there is no guidance built into it as it has the attributes of choice and intent. For external guidance human self needs the light of the Divine Revelation which is now preserved in the Quran.
In order to understand the significance of the Quranic guidance we need to understand the basic human self’s configuration. We as human beings possess an ‘I’, intellect, desires, emotions, a physical body, memory, etc – all these are to be employed in this world within some value system otherwise due to human interaction problems become created due to our individual desires. All this is covered in some detail in the first talk Permanent Values 1. The link is noted below.
The discussion in this clip is based on some questions and some comments by various members based on the topic. Some fundamental points have been discussed. If there are any questions or comments then please fee free to note these under the comments section or e mail on erasool@aol.com. These can also be sent using Islamicdawn.com.
Thanks for watching this video.
Urdu version of the presentation:


English version of the presentation:

Urdu version of the Permanent Values 1:

English version of the Permanent Values 1:

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