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Q and A Session – Permanent Values 3: The Law of Requital by Ejaz Rasool – 9 May 2021

In this video

This video is the recording of the Question and Answer discussion after the presentation. Some important questions were asked and then discussed in fair amount of detail. These included the following points:
1. Explain the verse (3:185) where it is noted that every Nafs will taste death. In this verse the Quran has stated that the human self has the ability to exist at its own once the physical death takes place.
2. How those deeds affect the human self which are not carried out deliberately? Different deeds have different impact on the human self and those deeds which are done in error and are of minor nature, the effect is less pronounced. Deeds have different scales e.g. helping some one on a regular basis is of higher order than helping emotively at some point in time.
3. What about those injustices done by people on which they are not caught or the society’s law system does not hold them accountable? All wrongs leave an impact on our self – small or big. At the time of death we become whatever we have done in our whole life. Nothing escapes the grasp of the Law of Requital.
4. Three different types of states of the human Nafs mentioned in the Quran. Nafs e Ammara, Nafs e Lawwama, Nafs e Mutma’inna. These three were briefly explained.

Following is the link to the main presentation:


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