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Surah 42 Verse 24: Haqq and Batil – G .A. Parwez, Edited Version – Tolu e Islam – June 1981

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This video covers in detail the existence of struggle between Haqq and Batil which is going on continuously right from the beginning. Haqq is that which is based on truth and based on evidence – the Quran presents Haqq in detail. Haqq produces positive results for mankind and is based on truth. The Quran declares itself to be Haqq (45:22). Batil is opposite of Haqq and all man-made systems are Batil as these subjugate human beings to laws made by human beings.

Man possesses choice and intent and is created for a very high eminent purpose i.e. to be a junior companion of Allah in the creative activity of this life – since the life in the hereafter is a fact, he goes there to continue this creative activity in tht life too. The Quran presents the existence of the hereafter as Haqq. The Quran also presents the existence of the Law of Requital as Haqq. Since man has a self, hence he is to develop it using the Quranic value system so that he enables his self to create a system of Deen in this life in which no human being is a subject of another human being. The Quran points to three pillars of Batil in the human world: Men who make laws to subjugate fellow equal human beings; the clergy (and media in today’s world) who rule the psyche of masses and use the religions as their tools; and the capitalist who creates poor …

Apparently it appears that the human world is not changing and at fundamental level human beings are engaged in exploiting each other and living life on the assumption that life ends with death. However, Allama Parwez has argued using the verse (42:24) and many other verses to point to the evolution taking place in the human world and this is in accordance with the fundamental law of a persistent clash between Haqq and Batil as mentioned in this verse and other verses e.g. (21:18).

He discusses two kinds of evolutions taking place in the world: Natural Evolution and Emergent Evolution. Natural evolution refers to slow transformation and the pace at which changes take place in the human life where it may take thousands of years for the systems to evolve through trial and error – this is a hard process paved with bloodshed and conflicts. beings have now democracy as their political system which has evolved over a period of centuries.

Emergent Evolution occurs when human beings will use the light of the Quran and put efforts to establish the system of Deen and this change can take place even within one lifetime – this system of Deen was established at the time of Rasulullah and his companions in the 7th century AD. However, people then gave up on the Quran and the pace reversed to the natural evolution. Despite this the human thought and ideas have developed and in the recent times made significant progress in this direction. He refers to some western thinkers (e.g. Darwin, Hegel, Karl Marx, A. Toynbee, Erich Fromm…)

Through trial and error and frequent sufferings mankind will come to the Quran as this is the ultimate destination i.e. the establishment of the system of Deen (9:33). The sectarian Muslims oppose the Quran vehemently and as a consequence can never get the benefits of Allah’s help. They are the biggest hindrance in the establishment of the system of Deen as despite claiming the Quran to be the Book from Allah, do not wish to come to it. They oppose those (Tolu e Islam) who try to draw their attention to the system of Deen and the recipe to get the help of Allah. They label them with various names and as a result no Jamaat can be formed which can stand up for the system of Deen. The religious clergy misguides these masses deliberately and as a consequence there isa thick darkness over the whole of the Muslim world.

This has also resulted in their remaining extremely backward as compared to secular nations of the world. Allama Parwez goes into the details of the Madhab which is sectarian religion – nothing to do with the Deen of the Quran – all religions according to the Quranic criteria fall under the category of Batil. In today’s world no one even mentions the life of the hereafter because it never crosses their mind. A self which is not based on this and thinks that the life ends with death, can never solve the problems of the world or of the future world as it does not have that potential which can do this. The Quran helps us to see the reality of our creation as humans and then puts facts before us in the form of the true concept of Allah, the permanent values, the facts about the human psyche, the concept of Iblees and Shaitan, the life in the hereafter, the foundation of the system of Deen and much much more…
There is a lot covered in this talk and listeners need to go through the verses referred by Allama Parwez.
Islam: A Challenge to Religion – G. A. Parwez
Exposition by G. A. Parwez
What is Islam? G. A. Parwez
The Human Self and Iblees, G. A. Parwez

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