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Allah’s Knowledge (Aleem): A Divine Attribute by Ejaz Rasool, 26 Dec 2021, Tolu e Islam

This presentation covers a number of aspects on this Divine attribute of Aleem. Following aspects are covered:
1. Root of Aleem
2. Some general definitions
3. Context of Aleem as an attribute
4. Knowledge Hierarchy
5. Verses on various aspects of Aleem
6. Manifestation of this attribute in our life
7. Conclusions

The Quran has declared itself to be the guidance for mankind for all times to come (21:10). If we wish to elevate the status of our self in this life, then Quran can help us to achieve it. Anyone looking for a higher purpose of life needs to watch this presentation.
This presentation puts forward many aspects of this attribute of Allah’s Knowledge and when applied to our life, we can enhance the value of our self as high as we wish. The intellect provided to us is meant to be utilised in this life for the good of mankind and for creating a better life for everyone in the world. The information provided to man for exploration is without any defined limits and hence, we got to explore this information to turn it into knowledge through research and development. We are already doing this but in a limited way i.e. not for the good of whole of mankind!
Allah being Aleem wishes to share His knowledge with human beings and the Quran draws our attention to this aspect repeatedly. This presentation covers some of these aspects.

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