Do you believe in Aliens 👽?
Do you believe in Aliens
Why These Scientists Fear Contact With Space Aliens

An illustration of aliens.Science Picture Co. / Getty Images
The more we learn about the cosmos, the more it seems possible that we are not alone. The entire galaxy is teeming with worlds, and we’re getting better at listening — so the question, “Is there anybody out there?” is one we may be able to answer soon.
But do we really want to know? If aliens are indeed out there, would they be friendly explorers, or destroyers of worlds? This is a serious question no longer confined to science fiction, because a growing group of astronomers has taken it upon themselves to do more than just listen. Some are advocating for a beacon swept across the galaxy, letting E.T. know we’re home, to see if anyone comes calling. Others argue we would be wise to keep Earth to ourselves.
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Aliens are real
Yes i believe in aliens. I have personally seen strange activity in the sky at night as a child growing up on a farm. 👽
Very interesting. would love to hear more of your experience.
woah really that must of been so strange for you .