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Drew Brees, Real Black History, BLM, David Dorn, and American Solutions

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Drew Brees, Real Black History, BLM, David Dorn, and American Solutions My Website https://theofficertatum.com/ Shop Now https://theofficertatumstore.com/ …

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David T
David T

Took two steps back to make one step forward. Dude that is it they use blacks and others as a commodity . Not their policy to any detail and their records on the platform they preach

Jackie Threewits
Jackie Threewits

Spot on gentlemen, thank you for speaking truth every single day ! I hope it doesn't fall on deaf ears.

David T
David T

White liberals need to understand that the Black race in the past was better off within their own race. Even thou the black race was not better off with the other races or white race in the past.

Carree Leish
Carree Leish

US Billionaire George SOROS gave $33 BLM, (BLM $100MILL frm 'others') plus funds 30+ black orgs. Over past yrs MILLS to Democratic Party! Over 50MILL to Hilary Clinton..Google HIS orgs ..founded & funded.

Dawn Keeth
Dawn Keeth

What do feel about white ladies they call karen because they police and falsely report that black people are doing something illegal. Shouldnt the karens be arrested for false reporting?


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