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Scientists Confirm the Oak Island Mystery Is Solved (2020)

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Are you a fan of the history channel show, The Curse of Oak Island? In this video, we will talk about Oak Island history and if the Oak Island mystery has finally …

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Ronald Smith
Ronald Smith

false title, blocking channel

Bob Rogers
Bob Rogers

You lied. Facts Verse lies.

Scott Harris
Scott Harris

You JERKS, you wasted my & everyone's time. I am unscribing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*@#@@@#******@@@##@#

Randy Herringshaw
Randy Herringshaw

@Facts Verse, because of your click bait, I have unsubscribed from your YouTube channel. I do not appreciate people that try to act as though deceitful actions are remotely appropriate. It is not ok, not in polite conversation or by YouTube Community Guidelines. I strongly recommend that Facts Verse figure out where the channel will go from here, keep down this path and risk losing more subscribers or stop the deceit. Perhaps at some point in the future I may subscribe again, but not if I see more deceptive behavior. I take it very personal when someone tries to insult… Read more »

Mark Bates
Mark Bates

Wish I had read the comments first. Waste of time.


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