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Should Christians Drink/Party In College?

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Ethan Gonzalez
Ethan Gonzalez

I think its better that Christians do not go to those parties. I did and was peer pressured but hardly drank. Also drinking red wine is healthy but in moderation and don't drive. Be careful if you drink that it is not too much and or excessive otherwise it is better to not.

Weston Hamilton
Weston Hamilton

This has been on my mind a lot lately. As a college student it makes me wonder. I’m my perspective it seems that being “sober minded” isn’t quite black and white. I feel that there’s different levels of drinking. There can be the bubbly, happy and laughing people who’s had a little bit to drink and isn’t clouding their judgement. Then there’s the end where people are getting black out drunk and making poor decisions. I think going to parties isn’t nessecarily a bad thing seeing as we are supposed to be a light to the world but we shouldn’t… Read more »

Joana Laguna
Joana Laguna

just have fun if you think it's bad then don't do it

caramel cupcake
caramel cupcake

It's so sad though, I made no friends during my first year at university because I didn't want to go to parties. It made me so lonely that I became severely depressed. I wish it was normal to say no to parties and alcohol, and I wish it was easy to make friends in other ways…

Xena Summers
Xena Summers

I think it's okay to party as long as you don't get drunk, "hook up" or at a party with a bunch of friends or Christian people you know. But BEWARE a lot of College party's are dangerous because there's so much sin and as Christian's we should avoid doing or going to a place that will have a lot of temptation like drugs, sex and alcohol!


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