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TerryTopCat Purrsents Benji Webbe

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Clusterview and TerryTopCat went to Wales to meet a very special artist. A real enigma who not only symbolises the greatness of crossover music but is so sought after he plays in two bands that are equally dynamic and ground breaking. His story is one that needs to be heard and he kindly regales tales of Rockstar privilege that mere mortals can only dream of. Mad Professor, David Bowie and Rankin Roger are but a few of the greats he has rubbed shoulders with. If you know the music of Skindred and Dub War, you’ll know that TerryTopCat has done it again with this gem of an artist.
But the greatest thing about Benji Webbe is his honesty and ability to draw you in with his Welsh accent and charm. We bring you Benji Webbe!

Find him on our artists page along with other great artists and DJ’s very soon.
@ClusterView Clusterview.com

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