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The INCREDIBLE Story Everybody Needs To Know This Black History Month

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The Incredible Story Of A Slave Who Sailed His Way To Freedom & You’ve Probably Never Heard About Him. #BlackHistoryMonth #60MinutesIn6mins.

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Edward Kennedy
Edward Kennedy

I've been watching live pd all week and have seen every shine in the United States in handcuffs in handcuffs


googles home page the misleading title is….Black History Month: celebrate Black culture and history in the U.S….but according to the left wing maniacs blacks are oppressed and america is racist..don't worry the left wing fact checkers will debunk

Grey Cryoclasm
Grey Cryoclasm

Black People aren’t any more special than any other people. Either they have a month as a sign that they are better than the rest or because they are not good enough to keep up without handouts. Black History is American history. Let’s just do away with black history month altogether.


Wait for the big shock, when people with higher levels of Melanin start unleashing their secret.. Can't wait!

Shay Shay
Shay Shay

Why can't blacks have atleast one thing why do people hate us so much why does Everytime we do something good for ourselves were still the wrong like we did nothing wrong but they still hatebusb no matter if we be ourselves they hate us when we do good they hate us when we try to bleach our skin and be more like them they hate us WHAT DO YOU WANT US TO DO!!!you want me to make everything about white people would that make you happy!!! When will you stop hating us for no reason I'm just so done…just… Read more »


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