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      3 years, 5 months ago

      Well being 🤗

      I wanted to talk about lockdown and the real effect that lockdown has on our everyday life and our well being

      Positive Things about lockdown🧐

      Family time
      Social bubbles
      New business ideas and Incentives

      What does wellbeing actually mean?
Wellbeing [ noun ] –  the state of being comfortable, healthy or happy.  
      This is what the Oxford English Dictionary defines as wellbeing, but what does that actually mean?  The short answer is… well, there is no short answer!  What one person feels is their perfect state of wellbeing may be completely different from another person.  This stands to reason as we all have different goals, ambitions and personalities.
      Each aspect of being comfortable, healthy and happy also has many different facets that can be taken subjectively. For example, the English Oxford Dictionary’s definition mentions happiness. However, wellbeing as a concept is much broader than this and has been debated since the Third Century BC. The Philosopher Aristotle came up with the concept of Eudaimonia – the contented state of feeling healthy, happy and prosperous. Even though happiness is an integral part of your personal wellness, it includes other things such as the fulfillment of long-term goals, your sense of purpose and how in control you feel in life.
      The meaning of wellbeing is multidimensional
      An overall sense of wellness will not be achieved without having a balance in these key elements:
      * Physical. This includes lifestyle choices that affect the functioning of our bodies. What we eat and how active we are will affect our physical wellbeing.
      * Emotional or psychological. This is our ability to cope with everyday life and reflects how we think and feel about ourselves.
      * Social.  This is the extent that we feel a sense of belonging and social inclusion. The way we communicate with others, our relationships, values, beliefs, lifestyles and traditions are all important factors of social wellbeing.
      * Spiritual. This is the ability to experience and integrate meaning and purpose in life. Achieved through being connected to our inner self, to nature or even a greater power.
      * Intellectual. It is important to gain and maintain intellectual wellness as it helps us to expand our knowledge and skills in order to live an enjoyable and successful life.
      * Economic. Economic wellness, in short, is our ability to meet our basic needs and feel a sense of security.

      What does wellbeing actually mean?

      Negative things about Lockdow😱

      Mental health

      This is the sad reality for some.

      Mental health is the common denominator.
      How we manage these issues will determine The severity of our mental health.

      Going through lockdown will challenge our mental stability
      Because of the restrictions imposed on our movements out side out homes. The loss of entertainment and recreation
      which would bring a balance to our emotional and social Well being.

      Don’t sit in silence.


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