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Christianity from Judaism to Constantine: Crash Course World History #11

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Alexander Arnold
Alexander Arnold

The Italians chose for their nation to be conquered by Arabs and Africans and Asians and other places and planets and called this Christianity.

Independence In Mind
Independence In Mind

One thing I can really appreciate about Judaism is there isn’t a pressure to convert people or tell them they’ll suffer if they refuse. It’s also not holding god to such a high standard that he can’t be questioned. I. The Torah he is questioned and that is normal and a good thing. he isn’t so perfect and high and mighty that he’s without flaw and untouchable. I don’t think I will ever be able to believe in a god but I have still be welcomed in to the community and loved included in the celebrations and the family of… Read more »


There's something fishy

Crispin Price
Crispin Price

You are doing a great disservice to real journalists. You have missed the mark of factual news. Did you ever actually read the Bible? The videos says not.

connie feijen
connie feijen

What I don't understand about Christianity is they are anti 666 what makes them the anti christ like they are anti astrology what makes them again the anti christ. I have knowledge esoterically to explain the symbol of Jesus cruxifiction without no doubt what leaves me to other questions again. It seem to be a never ending story. Like how can people that never win a game claim they win a game after they never win a game since they have no answers and compete with other people has nothing got to do with it and so they for sure… Read more »


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