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Human beauty? As per the Quran…

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This is a short video in response to a TED talk where some children are concerned about their appearance and it hurts them. This happens because of our default emotive state and self objectification in the world which affects children especially girls. The Quran has declared all human beings to be equal and appearance to be there to provide us identification. Righteousness is the criterion for being good in a society. We are equal as human beings at our self’s level. When a child is born it is equal to any other child in the world and when we die we are again equal and do not take anything with us. Since we have a free will we do not have inner guidance and need an external guidance. There is a book titled ‘The life in the hereafter; what does the Quran say?’ available free at Islamicdawn.com by G A Parwez which covers in detail the accountability process in our life. It is also available on Amazon. Any query about this video please e mail at – erasool@aol.com. Regards.

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