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Life in the hereafter – the Quranic perspcetive

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This is a short video which is based on the book titled ‘The life in the hereafter; what does the Quran say’ by G A Parwez. The book is available free at Islamicdawn.com and is also available with Amazon. Death is universal and more or less all human beings question it. We wish to prolong this life as long as possible. There are two concepts of life – we are physical and once we die there cannot be any other existence as our brain is dead; according to the second concept of life we have an identity and a self which can survive our physical death and move on to the next life. The Quran deals with both the concepts in detail and this is covered in the book. The Quran states the purpose of human life is the accountability of each self due to the free will given to man which puts responsibility on each one of us. Our thinking precedes whatever we do – indeed our thinking defines us. The Quran addresses the human intellect repeatedly inviting us to think on the creation of the universe and the solar system and also think on our inner self. This universe is meaningless without man as we give it a meaning. The Quran puts initiative in our hand and asks us to create our ownself for the next life and become custodian of a heavenly life through our own efforts. There is a list of permanent values given at the end of this book. Any questions regarding this video please e mail erasool@aol.com. Best wishes.

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