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Parenting – what every parent needs to know – an overview by Nabila Haris. Nov 2020

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This is a short presentation on the subject of parenting. Children are human beings and need to be treated well so that our future generations are happier and successful. Most people bring up children into the world without fully appreciating the importance of parenting. Parents should see their children to be a future investment where they not only become positive citizens of the world, but also help them when they need them the most — in their old age. Life is a serious matter and it should be viewed that way. Whatever we do in this life there are consequences for that. Well brought up children would turn out to be well brought up parents. The Quranic permanent values help us to even polish their self to a higher level of development. Watch this video and enjoy it and do not forget to subscribe it. Thanks.

Parenting 2 by Ejaz Rasool


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