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Real Christianity #33: Should Christian Women Wear A Head Covering While Praying or Prophesying?

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Penelope Twain
Penelope Twain

So, I have a question. If it's actually part of God's law that women have to wear a cloth head covering when they pray, why did God create Eve in sin? Because she didn't have a cloth head covering in the garden, but I'm sure she prayed. So why would God tell her not to sin but then essentially force her to be sinning? That would be very unfair and even cruel of Him.

Jerome Schmidt
Jerome Schmidt

Thank you for covering this topic. I've challenged guys on this before who wear their hats when praying/praising/worship/prophesying, and the answers I get are either "God cares more about my heart than my head" or "that was a different culture/context". But I think that's the issue – are we being obedient to God's will/commands. And if we're not, what does that mean about our heart? And does it please God to continually challenge and put tons of effort into proving why we shouldn't follow scripture? As a dad, when I ask my kids to do something, the last thing I… Read more »

Mauricio Smith
Mauricio Smith

Some Christians think the Bible it’s like a menu ! That they pick what they like and they don’t like !

Mauricio Smith
Mauricio Smith

Hebrews 12:14

Akemi Land
Akemi Land

hey! loved this! so incredibly helpful 🙂 what do you wear as a head covering? like have you bought one online or do you use like a head scarf? thanks so much, love you guys <3


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