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Why Tulsa? Watchmen Ep 1 Review & History of The Tulsa Race Riot from a Tulsa Native

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What happened in Tulsa in 1921? As a Tulsa native I can explain what happened. What happened is known as the Tulsa Race Riot (Massacre) of 1921. Intro to …

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Roone Briley
Roone Briley

Man. It wasn't a riot. It was a straight up massacre. You know. Don't equivocate. IT was not a mob. Massacre at best.

Geoffrey Hendrick
Geoffrey Hendrick

According to an NAACP report in 1921, in the first exchange of gunfire, 10 whites were killed and 2 blacks were killed. No mention was made of injuries. Some may say that the whole awful incident began with a massacre of white people.

Cassandra Amore
Cassandra Amore

That's the problem with caucasians they wont allow black people to live freely have their own businesses build their community instead the they want blacks to be in poverty the only reason why those black people lost their properties is because the caucasian had something up their ass. And had a nasty agenda to make up a story that a black boy touched a white girl in the lift which was untrue and they took their own narrative agenda to destroy those black people's business they were trying on their garments in their stores that we're looking at how black… Read more »

Cassandra Amore
Cassandra Amore

Those poor black people on black wall street received no compensation or cover insurance all the white people received but we didn't. And I'm sure still today they received nothing. Smh


99 years ago, almost forgotten. thank you for sharing.


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