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Ricky Gervais And Stephen Go Head-To-Head On Religion

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Trev Moran
Trev Moran

I'm mostly always on Ricky's side of this discussion, but I've always said that I think it's bollocks to have this certainty about the "Big Bang". The BBT seems like the intellect's Bible to me, and I'm certain it'll make fools of billions before more is figured out.

Joseph Soap
Joseph Soap

Why would you have a feeling of gratitude for existence!… Life is shit, human beings are shit… Religion is shit, the sooner we all become extinct the better and the world can heal itself.

Christian Palao
Christian Palao

At school they teach you all sort of stupidities BUT no HOW TO LOVE! That’s the matter! Also only mind creates dualities , that’s why if you “create” God, soon the “Devil” will be there too.

minx liberal
minx liberal

Religion is so evil and disgusting, I'm so glad Ricky said this Americans biggest enemy is 'god'


As an atheist I appreciate Stephens will to discuss this topic on tv, most tv host are afraid to.


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