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Does evidence undermine religion?

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Tim Dafku
Tim Dafku

Why why why people who are religious you don’t want them to see in first place, I have low tolerance to stupidity


The definition of faith is that its an assertion without, or that contradicts, the evidence.

If you're religious, to even search for evidence that supports your claims suggests that in some level, you don't really believe it yourself.

Insane Tester
Insane Tester

It's great to see that mahommedans not only plagiarized christianism they also plagiarize christians arguments against science. It's cliché after cliché. "Scientism" really. That's all you have.

Wilfred May
Wilfred May

The ignorance is staggering. About 2700 years ago when Islam was invented, science , in Islam Istopped.


26:00 "True science has never contributed to the biblical truth" clap.. clap.. clap.. clap?? Whua? No.. That would indicate a "biblical truth" may not exist, therefore a better model is needed. The fact that you can point this out, but not see the irony in what was just said, is more troubling than the fact that your stated problem with accepting a better model is that it may force you to drop an admittedly flawed model, that you just happen to like… The fact that science does not know the final answer & is always improving upon itself is a… Read more »


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