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Jews, Muslims, and Christians Read Mean Comments to Each Other

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Gabbi Moreno
Gabbi Moreno

When you think about it at 30:00 it's actually kind of true. From what I know there is no real proof that like God exists or anything. But there is proof that science exists. Yet people still choose to believe in religions. Why? Because most religions give people hope and promise happiness. Like when someone dies. Would you rather think of their thoughts and feelings being completely shut off or think about them going to heaven to live in eternal happiness and peace. EDIT: I am not saying these things to be mean or disrespectful I am simply stating my… Read more »

Keira Bailey-Hughes
Keira Bailey-Hughes

I think Jaclyn is great but she is so hypercritical in this video, my god!

oscar barriuso
oscar barriuso

I agree with every comment

Western Centrist Rants
Western Centrist Rants

Jaclyn, you've said Christians are idiots multiple times…


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